Selected Publications


Margolis, D.S., B. E. Villalobos, J. L. Jordan Smith, C.J. Doane, D.A. Gonzales, and J.A. Szivek, "A Large Segmental Mid-diaphyseal Femoral Defect Sheep Model: Surgical Technique", Journal of Investigative Surgery, 2022.


Cai, L., D. A. Gonzales, A. Azimi, R. Peralta, M. Johnson, J.A. Bakall Loewgren, B. E. Villalobos, E.C. Ross, J.A. Szivek, D.S. Margolis, et al., "Osseosurface electronics – Thin, wireless, battery-free and multimodal musculoskeletal biointerfaces", Nature Communications, vol. 12-1, 2021.
Wenger, K. H., D. Heringer, T. Lloyd, M. S. Johnson, J. D. DesJardins, S. E. Stanley, B. Remeniuk, and J. A. Szivek, "Repair and remodeling of partial-weightbearing, uninstrumented long bone fracture model in mice treated with low intensity vibration therapy.", Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), vol. 81, pp. 105244, 2021 01. PMID: 33341522


Szivek, J. A., D. A. Gonzales, A. M. Wojtanowski, M. A. Martinez, and J. L. Smith, "Mesenchymal stem cell seeded, biomimetic 3D printed scaffolds induce complete bridging of femoral critical sized defects.", J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2018 Mar 23. PMID: 29569331
Conway, R. F., K. M. Okarski, and J. A. Szivek, "A Purification Technique for Adipose-Derived Stromal Cell Cultures Leads to a More Regenerative Cell Population.", J Invest Surg, pp. 1-12, 2018 Feb 01. PMID: 29388858


Szivek, J. A., J. T. Ruth, G. J. Heden, M. A. Martinez, N. H. Diggins, and K. H. Wenger, "Determination of joint loads using new sensate scaffolds for regenerating large cartilage defects in the knee.", J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, vol. 105, issue 6, pp. 1409-1421, 2017 Aug. PMID: 27080933


Okarski, K. M., H. J. Curtis, J. A. Szivek, and L. S. Powers, "Environmental Stress Increases Stem Cell Concentration In Extracted Stromal Cell Batches", TERMIS, San Diego, California, 12/2016.
Ferng, A. S., K. M. Marsh, J. M. Fleming, R. F. Conway, D. Schipper, N. Bajaj, A. M. Connell, T. Pilikian, K. Johnson, R. Runyan, et al., "Adipose-derived human stem/stromal cells: comparative organ specific mitochondrial bioenergy profiles.", Springerplus, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 2057, 2016. PMCID: PMC5133220  PMID: 27995034


Gao, L., J. S. Yuan, G. J. Heden, J. A. Szivek, M. S. Taljanovic, D. L Latt, and R. S. Witte, "Ultrasound elasticity imaging for determining the mechanical properties of human posterior tibial tendon: a cadaveric study.", IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 62, issue 4, pp. 1179-84, 2015 Apr. PMCID: PMC4754123  PMID: 25532163


Szivek, J. A., G. J. Heden, C. P. Geffre, K. H. Wenger, and J. T. Ruth, "In vivo telemetric determination of shear and axial loads on a regenerative cartilage scaffold following ligament disruption.", J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, vol. 102, issue 7, pp. 1415-25, 2014 Oct. PMID: 24678004


Waters, H. A., C. P. Geffre, D. A. Gonzales, W. A. Grana, and J. A. Szivek, "Co-culture of adipose derived stem cells and chondrocytes with surface modifying proteins induces enhanced cartilage tissue formation.", J Invest Surg, vol. 26, issue 3, pp. 118-26, 2013 Jun. PMID: 23514058


Ledet, E. H., D. D'Lima, P. Westerhoff, J. A. Szivek, R. A. Wachs, and G. Bergmann, "Implantable sensor technology: from research to clinical practice.", J Am Acad Orthop Surg, vol. 20, issue 6, pp. 383-92, 2012 Jun. PMID: 22661568


Gonzales, D. A., A. S. Ferng, G. P. Geffre, J. L. Borg, M. Miller, and J. A. Szivek, "Mechanical loading of adipose derived stromal cells causes cell alignment", Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, vol. 4, 05/2011.
Goa, L., G. J. Heden, J. A. Szivek, M. S. Taljanovic, L. D. Latt, and R. S. Witte, "TU-A-220-03: Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging of Human Posterior Tibial Tendon", Medical Physics, vol. 38, issue 6, 2011.


Geffre, C. P., P. R. Finkbone, C. L. Bliss, D. S. Margolis, and J. A. Szivek, "Load measurement accuracy from sensate scaffolds with and without a cartilage surface.", J Invest Surg, vol. 23, issue 3, pp. 156-62, 2010 Jun. PMID: 20590387
Geffre, C. P., J. Ochoa, D. S. Margolis, and J. A. Szivek, "Evaluation of the osteogenic performance of calcium phosphate-chitosan bone fillers.", J Invest Surg, vol. 23, issue 3, pp. 134-41, 2010 Jun. PMID: 20590384
Indelli, P. F., J. A. Szivek, A. B. Schnepp, and W. A. Grana, "Load bearing at the menisco-femoral joint: an in vitro study in the canine knee", The Duke Orthopaedic Journal, vol. 1, issue 1, 07/2010.


Tellis, B. C., J. A. Szivek, C. L. Bliss, D. S. Margolis, R. K. Vaidyanathan, and P. Calvert, "Trabecular scaffolds created using micro CT guided fused deposition modeling.", Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 171-178, 2009 Jan 10. PMCID: PMC3065838  PMID: 21461176
Geffre, C. P., D. S. Margolis, J. T. Ruth, D. W. DeYoung, B. C. Tellis, and J. A. Szivek, "A novel biomimetic polymer scaffold design enhances bone ingrowth.", J Biomed Mater Res A, vol. 91, issue 3, pp. 795-805, 2009 Dec. PMCID: PMC2767470  PMID: 19051300


Szivek, J. A., V. Nandakumar, C. P. Geffre, and CP. Townsend, "A handheld computer as part of a portable in vivo knee joint load monitoring system", ASME, Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 2-3, issue September, 09/2008.
